Antonija Sola

Antonija Sola, a Croatian singer-songwriter, lyricist and actress is also a producer of music. Sola has played the part as Tina Bauer Fijan in Zabranjena ljubav The very first Croatian soap television. As well as playing Tina's character in the original Croatian soap opera Zabranjena and writing songs to the show, as well as composed the lyrics. Antonija Sola, 44 years old was born in Zagreb Croatia on 5 June 1979. Antonija Sola has a Life path number 1 according to numerology. Sola is well-known for her work in world music. She's appeared in numerous Croatian music contests, like Ohrid Fest as well as the Croatian Radio Festival. Both of these contests she won. Many of her most-loved songs include Volim Osmijeh Tvoj Zovem Da Ti Cujem Glas and Volim Te. Antonija Sola is born on 6-5-1979. This indicates that she is on life path 1. Her personal year number in 2023 will be 9. In the 1990s she participated in the Miss Croatia Pageant and went to college for sociology. Antonija Sola has the numerology life path number one According to her. She is goal-oriented and focused, she puts in the effort and dedication to the goals she has set. It's a testimony to her drive and determination that she's accomplished so much in her life. These goals are her life's work. Antonija Sola has a personal year number of 9. The number 9 is the peak of change because this is the time to close an old cycle and open a new cycle. The year of 2019 will be filled with exciting new adventures. Antonija Sola may has chances including moving house, switching jobs, breaking up old friendships and leading to a brand new romance... She was the role of villain Tina in the soap-opera Zabranjena Ljubav. Antonija Sola's net worth (or wealth) is thought to fluctuate between $1 million to $5 millions dollars. The amount of wealth through her first profession as a World Music Singer.

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